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auchib reza
auchib reza

Dr. Auchib Reza

Assistant Professor of Engineering

Mount Union stands out for its emphasis on hands-on experience.


Ph.D., Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
B.S., Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology


Dhaka, Bangladesh

Inspiring Engineers

chose teaching to help shape future engineers who can solve real-world challenges. My favorite part of the job is getting students to think critically about the problem. I’ve integrated my research on soil behavior under different ground conditions into my teaching through case studies and practical analysis projects.


Engineering at Mount Union

With small class sizes, students benefit from close interactions with faculty, ensuring personalized guidance and mentorship throughout their academic journey. Mount Union stands out for its emphasis on hands-on experience.

  • Andersen, D., Reza, A. and Dhar, A. S. 2025. Laboratory Investigation of Buried Small-Diameter Steel Pipes Subjected to Axial Ground Movement. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 16(2): 04025010.
  • Reza, A. and Dhar, A. S. 2024. Finite-element Modelling of Axial Movements of Polyethylene Pipes in Dense Sand. Transportation Geotechnics, 48: 101366.
  • Reza, A., Dhar, A. S. and Rahman, M. 2023. Strain Assessment of Polyethylene Pipes in Dense Sand Subjected to Axial Displacements, Geosynthetics International, 31(4): 469–486.
  • Reza, A. and Dhar, A. S. 2021. Effects of Axial Relative Ground Movement on Small Diameter Polyethylene Piping in Loose Sand, Infrastructures, 6(12): 168.
  • Reza, A. and Dhar, A. S. 2021. Axial Pullout Behavior of Buried Medium Density Polyethylene Gas Distribution Pipes, International Journal of Geomechanics, 21(7):04021120.